Friday, December 08, 2006

Damn so close...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Ok so it looks like General Van Alstyne has unreasonably freaked out again. I want say where I got this but I got the following letter:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The following orders are directly from the Commandant. I expect them to be
complied with immediatly. I don't have furthur details at this time.

The orders are as follows:

Effective immediately, the following orders will be posted and remain
effect until further notice.

* Commanders will cease all planning for "Corps Brass". There
will not be a three-week event referred as " Corps Brass" this year.
will determine, by outfit, and in consultation with each outfit
commander and others, when fish will receive their Corps brass.)

* All "Corps brass" insignia and "band lyres" insignia will be
removed from cadet uniforms immediately and until further notice.
brass" and "band lyres" will be replaced with "AMU" brass.

* All outfit guidons and major command colors will be encased ( or
rolled and tied) and carried at all formations. (As an exception,
guidons and major unit colors will be uncased, unfurled, and carried
the march-in on Saturday.)

* "Training" of freshmen in proximity to parents and other
visitors will cease immediately. ( Example: during formations before "
step-off". Freshmen will be granted "sophomore privileges" in such
situations, and especially on " game day".

Additional orders:

* The Corps Run scheduled for Friday morning is cancelled. Outfits
will conduct normal PT on Friday. All runs will be by ability group.

* All commanders and first sergeants will assemble in the Corps
Center at 1730 on Sunday, 15 Oct for further instructions. No one is
excused. (Among other topics, we will discuss the training of the
freshmen for the remainder of this semester.)


In addition to these orders. I am rescheduling the Friday morning plan.In
response to the cancellation of the Corps Run, We will be having a morning
formation in Bravos in preparation for the Academic day. 0700 hours.
So yeah, as a former cadet this really ticks me off. There is nothing that could possibly merit punishing the whole Corps. I like some of the stuff that this guy does, but he way overreacts...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Will the anti-Semitism never end?

So the speaker of Iraq's parliament has finally figure out what the cause of all the violence in Iraq is.

Is it Al Qaeda? Apparently Not.

Is it radical clerics and their followers? Nope.

Is it minorities who feel that the government was formed without them? Nah.

Nope none of the above. It's the Jews fault.

Some people say, 'We saw you beheading, kidnappings and killing. In the end we even started kidnapping women who are our honor,' al-Mashhadani said. These acts are not the work of Iraqis. I am sure that he who does this is a Jew and the son of a Jew.
Ok I know that Hitler and Nazi comparisons are pretty extremist, but I can't help but think of them with people like this guy and this genius are in charge of running the region.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ok who ever thought this was a good idea?

So Bush is urging Congress to pass the line item veto. Now Congress gave Clinton the line item veto in 1996 but the courts struck it down.

So 2 questions.
1. Why does Congress think this new bill will be any more constitutional than the last?
2. Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

Don't get me wrong I'm all for cutting down on pork barrel spending, but letting a president edit a law? Doesn't that kind of duck around the whole checks and balances thing that is suposed to make our government so great?

I'm mean lets face it the main problem with our government today is that the executive branch already has too much power. Bush is already effectively exercising line item veto by using signing statements saying that he (and therefore all of the executive branch) won't enforce provisions of laws that Congress has passed.

I don't really care if we some how got a president who was better than all our greatest presidents combined... I still wouldn't want him to be able to circumvent the checks and balances of our government.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I don't believe it...

The HPV vaccine actually got approved while Bush was in office... There must be snowball fights in hell right now.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Oh I hope this is a joke...

This is either really funny or really scary.

What to do if your child is born on 06/06/06.

Monday, May 29, 2006

This really ticks me off....

Top 10 Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State

This is pretty scary stuff... but then most of us have seen it coming for a while.... but people still won't vote or worse willing give up their freedoms to feel "safe."